The Night It Rained Toys
was written by S. Lewis (an Irish writer)
One Christmas Eve it rained toys. This is how it happened. In the year 1910 Santa Claus caught a cold. His nose got so red that the elves started calling him Rudolph. Clearly, he was too sick to make his usual trip around the world.
Santa wanted to go, of course, for without him who would deliver the toys? But Mrs. Claus was firm. Santa must stay in bed.
“But the children!”, he protested. Mrs. Claus volunteered: “I’ll drive the sled,” she said.
Santa started ho-ho-hoing. “No one can drive that old sleigh but me,” he insisted, and then sneezed and sneezed some more.
It was decided , Mrs. Clause would deliver the toys. Santa instructed the reindeer not to go too fast and with that off they flew.
The sleigh was sailing along and everything was going well when Mrs. Claus saw a a great light in the sky. The light, that night in 1910, was Comet. It was near the sleigh.
To avoid being hit, Mrs. Claus swerved the sled, and for a moment it tipped over onto its side.
The old sleigh quickly righted itself and no one was hurt, but all the toys in the sack fell out and they poured down onto the town directly below.
And in that little town everyone remembers the Christmas Eve 1910 as “The Night It Rained Toys”.
When Mrs. Claus arrived back at the North Paul, Santa just said, “Better to give away extra toys than no toys at all”.
4 комментария:
Hey friends! I love the story I have never heard this story before until know. It was sad the Santa couldn't go to deliver the toys. It was nice Mrs. Clauds did it for him. I like the part where Santa said the it the is better the everyone gets toys the no one.
hey their friends well I like the story a lot , but why did santa clause tell the reindeers not to go fast ? Well hope you answere my question soon . Bye.
Hey lewis! I really like the story because it rain toys. I wish it would rain toys in Santa Ana.
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