There was a celebration of Maslenitsa in our town on Sunday, March 1.
Many people came to the central square to listen to the national songs and play national games. On this day people cook pancakes with sour cream, honey, butter or caviar.
During the festival people usually burn a scarecrow of winter. You can see a young man in a national Russian dress with a red bag collecting “bad things” which the people want to be burned together with the scarecrow. People usually write on a small piece of paper “bad things” and put them into the bag. Then the bag is usually burned in the fire.
After that there are all kinds of competitions and games. On of them is to get a present which is high on the tall pole. Young men have to climb up the pole to reach the bag with the present.
Many people came to the central square to listen to the national songs and play national games. On this day people cook pancakes with sour cream, honey, butter or caviar.
During the festival people usually burn a scarecrow of winter. You can see a young man in a national Russian dress with a red bag collecting “bad things” which the people want to be burned together with the scarecrow. People usually write on a small piece of paper “bad things” and put them into the bag. Then the bag is usually burned in the fire.
After that there are all kinds of competitions and games. On of them is to get a present which is high on the tall pole. Young men have to climb up the pole to reach the bag with the present.
32 комментария:
Sounds like a wonderful way to say good-bye to Winter. We have a similar celebration for Mardi Gras where we burn a "man" as well to mark the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. But we don't burn our "bad things" like you do. That is a great idea. There is also a big parade with many people dressed in costume.
The pancakes look delicious in the pictures, as do the mushroom.
And, was someone really able to climb all the way to the top of that pole...impressive!
I've never heard of Maslenitsa. I think it would be a very fun party, especially since I'm ready to say goodbye to Winter and hello to Spring! The pancakes look delicious! We don't have a lot of community celebrations (except for the 4th of July - Independence Day), which is a shame. Most people celebrate holidays with family and/or friends.
Sounds like a lot of fun. I've never heard of Mastenita. The pancakes look really good. Were they? Whats your National song? Thats really cool that they climb up the pole and get the present. You have a scarecrow of winter thats awesome.
Hello beloved friends
I think this idea sounds very wonderful(specially the scarecrow part).Well I think having this celebration is a great way to end our winter season.Did you participate any of these sports?Are you happy winter is ending?I am wondering wat is Caviar
I think it's awsome how you guys celebrate and all come together for Maslenitsa. I never heard of it before but it seems like alot of fun. What's your national song called that you guys sing i'm very curious to find out. For us we only come together and celebrate for the 4th of July and I think it's very awsome that you guys come together on many holidays.
Hey friends, well its fun that you celebrate Maslenitsa. Though I never herd of it before, but it sounds and looks fun. I like the part were people have to clime the poe and get the present. That reminds me of my dad when he clime the pole to fix the cabels on the top. I have a question, What does the present have inside? or is it an empry box.
We don't really have a block celebation, but it would be nice to have one. The people in your
town seem interested in the event, were you? What other kinds of food do people make? Did you find out what was the present?
Hi friends.
Ithink that its fun celebrating winter and getting ready for spring. Why do they put the present all the way to the top of the pole? Did someone got the present. It reminds me of people going to Fairs and playing games.
Hellow friends, am very happy to happy that you guys share your celebrations with us. I think that saying bye to winter and saying hellow to spring is a good idea. The next celebration of ours is St. Patrucs day and then Easter. We celebrate St. Patrics day on March,17th. I was wondering if you guys celebrate St. Patrics day?
Hey Russian friends,
I'm impressed by the way that you guys burned the scarecrow and the bad memories in the red bag. Also, the most important thing that got my attention was when young men had to climb up the high pole to reach the bag with the present. If I had a red bag I would fill it up with good memories of my family so that when we grow older we could look at them and laugh. If the bag with the present was on the tall pole, did anyone get the bag with the present?
Hello Friends,
Well I hope you guys had a lot of fun, because it sounds it like you guys did. To be honest I never have hear about Moslenitsa before. I think that is very cool how your tradition of saying goodbye to winter and that in that same tradition you guys welcome spring too. I like the part were all of the people had it to write down the bad things and then burn them. Also, where the men climb up the pole to get the present that was all the way on the top. Did you guys know what he got? What kind of games were they? Here we do not have any tradition like yours to say goodbye to the winter.
Hey, Russia friends, Maslenitsa sounds alot of fun. I like how you guies write down your guies bad memories and then put them in a bag then burn it I think thats a new good start to Spring. I was wondering what kind of presents do the person get when they get the bag from the long stick or is it just random gifts. I like the pictures you toke looks like everyone had fun especially the pancakes they look good. Here in California we also eat pancakes but not for special holidays peoples usually eat pancakes in the morning sometimes it is kinda like a morning breakfeast.
Hey Russia friends, thanks for leting us know what "Maslenitsa" is since we have never heard about it.It look the you guys have a lot of fun and the you guys enjoy it. It also looks the you guys have a lot of difences kinds of things like game and the tradition of the bad memories on the bad and more.But the one of the bad things on the bag got my attention since it remainds me when we my friends and I put our name of a bag to do a exchange gift.I wounder what kind of national game do you guys play?I also wounder what do the present is?
Hello. Its pretty nice that some one has to climb up the pole to get the present, but would'nt it be scary? I would'nt like to do that. The food looks delicious yummie. Im curious about something though, Why do you guys burn a scarecrow? We usually dont have community times, I would like to though it looks really nice.
Hello friends
I have never heard about maslenitsa and I wonder what kind of present is in the bag?Maslenitsa looks like a very nice holliday,because you guys have games and every body gets together.Like us in almost every holliday all my family gets together to celebrate.
I think it's really cool that you have holiday were you leave one season to move to another season. We do not have that here in the U.S. We have some diffrences in holiday's, Because we have a holiday called Saint Patricks day and everyone wears green to celebrate this holiday, and who ever does not wear freen gets pinched really hard.
Oh and the pancakes look really delicious.
Do you have a saint Patricks Day in Russia?
If you do how do you celebrate it there?
Was some one able to climb the big pole?
Hello friends
I've never heard of Maslenitsa but it looks and sounds like a very intersting holiday. This holiday reminds me of Easter Sunday in a way cause everybody has fun. I wanted to know how tall was the pole that leads up to the present.
Hello friends, I think its nice that your community comes together to celebrate a holiday. I've never heard of Maslenitsa but it looks like a fun and entertaining holiday. The food looks great, I wouldn't mind eating some of that delicious mouthwatering food. It would be fun to celebrate a holiday as a community because it would, in my opinion, be more fun then just celebrating it with my family and/or friends. Here we don't usually celebrate that many holidays as a community, many just celebrate a holiday with their family and/or friends. Why do you burn a scarecrow? Does the scarecrow have any meaning or does it symbolizes something for Maslenitsa? Do you also celebrate the coming of other seasons or is this the only one?
hey!! russian friends Ihave not heard anything about Maslenitsa, but it sounds like you are united community . Especially when you get together to sing your national song together. It looks like you are going to have an awesome spring because you have already burned the bad things from winter, and also it looks like you guys have agreat time watching how other people try to get the present from all the way in top of the pole. We also have national holidays. oh and by the way, did anyone achieved to get the present because it is a difficult mission.
Hey how are you all! My name is richard and I just wanted to say that every single thing you do is very interesting. We never do anything like THAT. We just have the normal things like Christmas at the end of the year on the 25th of December, Holloween, Easter, and our own individual celebrations we have at our homes with family and friends. I just personally won't like it very much to say goodbye to winter, i love it. I dislike the summer, except the part when we have our vacations. I'd also wish to do something like that for a present, you know, climb a pole...yeah.
But because your celebration was interesting, it made me wonder; What is Lent?
Don't think I've gotten those pancakes out of my mind either, I wonder how those costume made pancakes taste?
Hello Russian friends well it sounds like a lot of fun.
The pancakes look yummy. I think that it looks like a fun way to say goodbye to winter and say hello to spring. Well here we do not really do something like that only on the fourth of July but let me tell you a little bit of my traditions over in Mexico. Over in Mexico we do a gathering but for a religious thing its called "El torito artifisial" an artificial cattle, well we take that cattle and in front of the church they burn him because its like a firework not a real cattle lol...
sorry i do not have a picture I ca not seem to ba ableto put one in. So ho high is the pole? Did you in paricually burned any bad things this year? Do you do the same thing when winter is coming or not?
Thats pretty cool that you guys have a community holiday called Malenitsa. I have not heard that holiday before. It looks like a very astonishing event. I wish we had more community holidays, not just the Fourth Of July. Is the scarecrow the sign of winter? what is it intended for? Maybe ill visit Russia someday to see how you guys celebrate Malenitsa.
Well first of all i had never heard of Maslennitsa.But it seems like a real fun and exciting thing to do to say goodbye to winter.And welcome Spring.I thinks its great that the whole communityis part of it and that they all enjoy it together.Over here we dont have alot of community celebrations only in 4th of July and New years.
But its great thats as a communtiy you all spend time together and hopefully you guys keep on doping it.And by the way the picture of the food look delicious.
It sounds fun. I had never ever heard of Maslenistsa. Have you ever climed the pole so you can get the present? The pancakes look really good.
Wow! I can't believe people actually go up and clime the pole. They must have guts to do that, well I’m scared of heights so maybe I’m exaggerating that I cant believe there clime to the top. I would like to taste the pancakes with sour cream, honey, and butter, it sound delicious. Have you tried to clime the pole?
That Maslenistsa cellabration sounds intereting that it's a way to say good bye to winter. I wish we would do something like that in our cammunity. Does every one bring the food sort of like a potluck or do the choose some one or some people to bring it?
That sounds like cool way to celebrate the ending of one season and going into another. The food sounds gret and the festivities sound like fun. I think it's cool how you guys climb the pole and get the gift.
Hello there, well i have never hurd of anything like that, I bet it would be fun if we would celebrate is as well. I think thats a good way to say laters to winter and hello to summer. whell i hope you guys had fun. I wish I ate some it looks gummy even though i havent tasted it. It would be a grated idea to try it, I like to try new food. well we dont have any celebrations were alot of people get together and celebrate all together. I wounder how many people where ther? Did you know any of them? well hope to hear from you soon.
Hello my friends hope you had lots of fun on your good bye winter. Well that looks like fun . A lot of people look like if there having so much fun . :]
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