Address: Secondary School №4,
74, Shkolnaya Street,
Bogotol (662060),
Krasnoyarsk Region,
Our school is a Secondary school with musical education. It consists of a Primary school and a Secondary school. Primary education starts at the age of six or seven and continues for four years. The Primary school curriculum includes Russian, Maths, Reading, Drawing, PT and Music.
After four years of Primary school classes pupils go on to Secondary school, where they study a variety of subjects: Russian, Literature, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English or other foreign languages, History, Geography, Biology, PE and music.
Our school is co-educational and takes pupils of all abilities. There are different clubs in the school. The “School Forestry” and the Ecological Centre are environmental clubs for students who protect the wildlife. Many students study music, play different musical instruments and take part in concerts.
5 комментариев:
Hello im am a Valley High School student my name is Evelyn. Im just droping by to say HI! I think your secondary school it's beautiful and clean it's awsome!
Hey im Itzayana and I think that your secondary school is awesome.
Hello there my name is Jessica and im one of Valley High School student and your school is very different from ours and I would want to learn more about it.Welcome to our blog(:
Hello I'm a Valley High School student named Maria. I like the way how you organized the Halloween Party. By the look of the pictures that are posted here it would look like you had a lot of fun and played really great games that I want to join in the fun as well. The picture of when you made scary pumpkins came out great and totatly liked the funny costumes. The snow lokked like a lot of fun that I want to visit Russia when I grow up. Congratulations my friends from Russia it was awesome seeing all kind of pictures of different actvities that have been experience by you. I wonder what kind of great meals do Russians like to eat because I would want to know more about Botogol,Russia?
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