There are several games traditionally associated with Halloween parties. The most common is apple bobbing, in which apples float in a tub or a large basin of water; the participants must use their teeth to remove an apple from the basin.
We also tried to play this funny game and enjoyed it greatly!
9 комментариев:
Congratulation my friends, looks like the class had a great time for your first Holloween. There were alot of fun activities that i would've love to join in, The pictures of the snow all over the trees really gave me an idea of the world outside of Santa Ana. We'll be sure to keep in touch, your friends in Santa Ana.
It looks like you had fun.
The Halloween costumes were good. Since you didn't celebrate Halloween,How did it feel to celebrate Halloween. In california we celebrate at schools and at our neighborhoods.
The Halloween custums are great since you guys dont celebrate halloween how do you guys got the customs.
it looks like u guys had fun i remember playing that game two.
Why was the kid grabing his head. Did he hit his head on the meltle plate. Well anyway the games looked really fun and I hpoe you had fun celebrating a holiday that is new to you.
Hey my friends you look like if your having so much fun.
Hi, I love your pictures, It looks like you guys had fun. whell hope you reply back saying hellow to our class. keep in touch with us.
Hey friends it looks like you guy enjoyed halloween like we enjoy it too.
How did you guys like the Halloween games?
Because I suppost you guys have never played this games.
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