My name is Alyona.
First of all, as I know this modern-day holiday is a celebration of love, which gets its name from a Roman priest, Valentine, who secretly performed wedding ceremonies for Christian couples in the 3rd century!
In Russia weeks before the 14th of February, shop windows are decorated with red paper hearts, red streamers and boxes of chocolates.
On Valentine’s Day, many people wear something red, since it is considered to be the colour of love. Gifts, wrapped in shiny paper and red ribbons, are exchanged, women receive bouquets of flowers and people express their love to the persons they admire. At schools there are parties with music and dancing.
We didn’t have a school party this Saturday as we are having very frosty days this week and the school is closed.
I think Valentine’s Day is a time to let people know how much you love and appreciate them! It is a day that makes everyone feel romantic and happy.
13 комментариев:
Sounds like a lot of fun in Russia on Valentine's Day. That is great that everyone gets involved.
In France, Valentine's Day is really only for lovers. Married couples, or girlfriends and boyfriends will exchange cards, presents, such as candy, chocolate, flowers, particularly red roses, jewelry, perfume, etc. But unless you are 'in love' with someone, you will not celebrate this holiday in France. So, for example, school children don't exchange cards, nor do parents give presents or cards to their children.
Thanks for sharing how you celebrate this holiday in Russia.
Your French Friends
Hello Alyona,
Sounds like everyone gets in the "Love Spirit" for Valentine's Day. We celebrate it by giving cards and candy to our friends and people we love. Over here the store windows and inside the store is decorated with hearts, cupid,teddy bears, lots and lots of candy,roses and much more. Thank you for sharing how you celebrate Valentine's Day..
With Love..
Alyona, I think it's nice that you get red paper hearts and streamers. I gave Valentine balloons to my friend, Cynthia. Did you get anything special for Valentine's Day?
Alyona, I think it's nice that everyone gets in the sprit of love and well it sounds almost exactly the same that they decorate every part of the city with red and heart,choclates,and teddieslike always take care =]
Hey Alyona,I think the is nice the everyone wears the color red since they are representing the LOVE color on Valentines Day. Well here everyone celebrated Valentines diferent some of us celebrated with the family or our hang out with their friends.
Hello Alyona, I think that its nice that on Valentine's day, everyone shows each other how much they love one another. We also do the same here, we show each other how much we love one another and the stores decorate their windows with red hearts and other red shapes. I don't really enjoy Valentine's day that much because every year is the same. I always end up showing how much I love my family, I've never shown how much I care about a girl before and that's why I don't really like Valentine's day. I want to tell a girl how much I care about her but its just difficult for me because I'm shy, I know what I want to say to that girl its just I can't say it, it's like the cat gets my tongue. Do you show someone how much you love that person? Is it easy for you to say what you want to say or is it hard?
Hey Alyona, how are you. My name is Richard and I do not have someone to love at this time, but I have had a special person, who shall remain nameless, and did give her a gift to celebrate the only day with love in the air and other people falling head over heals for each other, it's a beautiful day to have someone by our sides to share our secrets and to love. Many people over here as well give each other gifts to sow them he or she likes that person. We are the same in that, but not the way we feel, every one is uniqe in that way. We don't have snow though, and probably THAT won't even stop us from going to school. I wish we would have a snow storm or something like that.
Just wondering; Do you like the fact that you're not going to school and maybe even not seeing most of you're friends?
Were you wanting to go to the school dance that Saturday???.......Because I would of loved to go and ask a pretty young women to dance with me, well thats if she wasn't taken that is.
I think thats fun sharing your gifts with people you care about. It reminds me of people decorating stores with hearts.What kind of gifts did you gave.
Hey Aloyna,
Well i think that its great that everyone gets in the love spirit.And i think its really cool taht veryone wears the color red to show the love they have for valentines day.Hey so if your not in love with someone you dont celebrate valentines day?
Well over here we celebrate it wether your in love or not.You know its just a day full of love to friends and many more.
hi Alyona sounds like it is very romantic in valentine in Russia. I would like to see how the stores look like decorated, here in usa the stores have valentine stuff but they are in sale not decorating. did you got anything from anyone special for you?
Sounds like the love bug bit everyone. It sounds really romantic the way everyone is in love. The couples in Russia must have a fun time
Hey Alyona well did you have fun on the valentines day . Well i did everyone gave each other chocolates . Also couples gave flowers and nice decorated gift to each other . Hope you had lots of fun .
Hi Alyona,
It sounds like your country loves to celebrate February 14. It must be really cold that you guys don't go to school. How cold is it?
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