понедельник, 27 октября 2008 г.

Last winter was snowy. You can see the central square in the picture.

3 комментария:

Ms. Pederson комментирует...

We don't get much snow in California; only in the mountains. Your pictures look so beautiful with all the snow.

CHRiSTiaN G", PeRioD 2, SoCaL, uSa комментирует...

That's pretty cool, we dont really get snow it just rains instead, i think thats cool how you guys go to school sking.very interesting pictures.

Desiree G. santa ana socal комментирует...

Wow your pictures looks awsome. theres so much snow and it's awsome that you guys an go skiing. I never been skiing before. I wonder if it's hard. Do you guys go to school skiing?