суббота, 15 ноября 2008 г.

Winter has come to our town

This is our Park. You can see the first snow in November. The park isn't far from our school and we go skiing there.

5 комментариев:

Ms. Pederson комментирует...

That snow looks really beautiful. I wish I was there! I used to live in the snow in Utah, another state in the USA, and sometimes I miss it. For how many months will you have snow?

Jesus A комментирует...

I wonder if you could walk under all that snow? The pictures are really beautiful and the snow looks relly fantastic. I wonder is the snow there for a long time or is it just temperly?

Janet P. p4 SoCal USA комментирует...

Hey how long does the snow last? It looks so pretty, but it looks really cold too.

bRiSELDA C, P4, SOCAL USA комментирует...

That snow looks really pretty. I wonder if you guys could run with all that snow that there is?

Jessica Be p4 SoCal USA комментирует...

WOW!!!The park looks really nice.I would like to learn how to ice skating.