воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

Ecological Centre

We have an Ecological centre in our school. It is well known in our town and even children from other schools come to see animals and plants. We take care of them every day.
Small rabbits and guinea-pigs are our favourite animals. We often play with them. In summer we let them walk in the school yard. Small hens and a cock are very nice. You can see big cages for parrots. They are of different coloures. One day a hunter brought an owl. It was small and week. He found it in the forest. It is big now and very serious. It doesn’t like to play. We also have different fishes.

5 комментариев:

Cynthia G. p.2 SoCal,USA комментирует...

It's very nice that you guys take care of animals at your school.I think our schools should do the same thing!!!

itzayana p3 SoCal USA комментирует...

I think its awesome how you guys get to take care of animals at school.In our school we cant have animals but i think ill be fun if we could have animals at school.I like the colors of the owl and i also like how the owl is serious.

Martin p4 SoCal USA комментирует...
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Nadia p3 SoCal USA комментирует...

I like how you take care of your plants and animals.

Martin p4 SoCal USA комментирует...

I like how you take good care of animals.